Poor Crowd support force CPL 2019 matches moved from the Florida

Caribbean Premier League has decided not to host matches in United States’ Florida region citing poor crowd support over the past seasons. CPL
chief operating officer (COO), Pete Russell has explored the news of removing games from Florida venue and changes to this year’s tournament.

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This year’s Hero Caribbean Premier League is scheduled to take place in September which is the first occasion when competition is being played in the month. Generally CPL takes place in July-August but this time September. This is because West Indies to host India in July and August months, hence all Caribbean players will not be available during that time to compete in the league.

The board has decided to maintain the league “Caribbeanness” by allowing all local players available for the country’s premium twenty20 league. Teams composition is also changed for this year as each team can have only 5 foreign players in their squad meanwhile a maximum of 4 foreigners can be the part of playing-XI.

“The September month allows us a clean window of action because we want all of our West Indian stars available,” Russell said. However participating teams in the competition will remain same.

CPL 2019 is scheduled to play from 21st August to 27 September.